Sebaceous cysts are noncancerous skin lesions that may carry semi-liquid or liquid inside. They are commonly found on the neck, face, or abdomen and gradually become uncomfortable as they grow. Sebaceous cysts can form when the sebaceous gland is damaged or blocked. They can also be caused by a malformed duct, genetics, or damaged cells.
Cysts can be small with no pain or large with terrible discomfort, pressure, and pain. There are people who think that sebaceous cysts and epidermoid or pilar cysts are the same things. But that’s not true. The difference is that epidermoid cysts form when the protein keratin obstructs oil glands or hair follicles. And when sebum – the oil that protects your skin – clogs a gland; sebaceous cysts form. The visible symptoms of both types of cysts, however, are quite similar.
Symptoms of Sebaceous Cyst
Small sebaceous cysts are generally yellow or white in color and cause no pain or discomfort. They have a soft texture and are made up of pale flaky fragments of keratin, the basic protein found in the skin and nails. But when these cysts start to grow in size, the large lumps can cause painful sensations, pressure, and soreness; especially if they form on the face or neck. These large cysts, which appear white to yellow at first but turn red when infected due to inflammation, become warm and tender to the touch.
Diagnosis of Sebaceous Cyst
In most cases, your health care provider will be able to make a diagnosis based on an examination of your skin. A biopsy may be required in some cases to rule out other conditions. A skin culture may be required if an infection is suspected.
Also Read: Why You Shouldn’t Remove Sebaceous Cyst at Home
Natural Home Remedies to Cure Sebaceous Cyst
The standard treatment for sebaceous cysts and epidermoid cysts is to drain the liquid out or surgically remove the cyst. However, there are some effective natural remedies that can cure sebaceous cysts quickly and easily.
Conservative care:
Conservative care is also known as watchful waiting; you just let the cyst run its course with the help of heat to improve circulation in the area. This allows the pus to drain out naturally. Apply warmth for 10 to 15 minutes with a heating pad or a washcloth. Repeat this same process 3-4 times throughout the day. Also, you should keep the area clean and dry by using antibacterial soap.
Witch hazel to cure sebaceous cysts:
Witch hazel has excellent astringent properties and can effectively treat sebaceous cysts. Witch hazel is an effective natural treatment for sebaceous cysts. Witch hazel contains tannins, which help to remove excess oils and also tighten the pores.
Turmeric to cure sebaceous cysts:
Turmeric is quite useful in the treatment of sebaceous cysts. Turmeric not only treats cysts but also keeps infection at bay. It contains antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties; making it an effective natural remedy to cure sebaceous cysts.
Use Aloe Vera for sebaceous cyst:
Aloe vera is an outstanding, fantastic pain-relieving, and healing natural remedy for skin issues. Aloe vera gel can provide immediate relief from cyst-related discomfort.
Use tea tree oil to cure sebaceous cyst:
Tea tree oil has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help you to heal from a variety of health issues including headache, acne, cough, and last but not least sebaceous cysts.
Use Castor oil to treat Sebaceous cyst:
Castor oil is one of the most effective ingredients against cysts of this type. Castor oil not only reduces the size of the cyst but also provides instant relief from itching. This oil contains antimicrobial properties that can aid in the elimination of bacteria. To treat an infected cyst you need to soak a cotton swab in the oil and gently dab it on the infected cyst.
Cabbage and potatoes for sebaceous cyst:
It is commonly known to all that eating vegetables is good for health. But applying cabbage and potatoes can be beneficial in several cases; like in curing sebaceous cysts. All you need to do is to boil the cabbage leaves for 3 minutes and place them on the top of the Sebaceous cyst. This process aids in drawing out the pus and resolving the problem more quickly. Potatoes also hasten the healing process of sebaceous cysts because potatoes contain high vitamin C. Simply applying potato juice to the cyst overnight reduces swelling and prevents infection.
Honey and Bee Pollen:
Honey can help with a variety of skin problems. Regular application of honey and cinnamon in a 3:1 ratio can aid in the healing of a sebaceous cyst. Alternatively, taking 2 tablespoons of bee pollen orally results in improving the health of the skin and faster recovery of skin issues.
Apple Cider Vinegar for sebaceous cyst:
The acetic acid present in apple cider vinegar not only kills the infection in sebaceous cysts but also allows them to heal faster. A crust will form over the cyst after a week of daily application of vinegar. You just need to simply peel off the layer to drain the cyst. Slowly new skin will grow over the affected area.
Coconut Oil:
Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory as well as analgesic properties. This can help to alleviate inflammation and pain in the affected area. The main component of coconut oil that has antimicrobial properties is lauric acid. This may aid in the treatment of the infection that results in a sebaceous cyst.
How to Prevent Sebaceous Cyst
Most people may experience a Sebaceous cyst at some point in their life. Though such cysts are not harmful they can be so annoying and no one wants such cysts on their body. But there are ways to lessen the chances of the occurrence of sebaceous cysts. It will just take a few steps:
➨ A blockage In the skin causes sebum to become clogged in open pores, ultimately resulting in sebaceous cysts. That is why you should always keep your skin clean so that your sebum production can be regulated.
➨ Always clean your eyes and eyelids with fresh water. Cysts, such as chalazion, which can form in your eyelids, can be prevented by cleaning the eyelids and eyes with fresh water on a regular basis.
➨ Try to protect the area where the cyst formed from any further injury, as injury may result in reoccurrence.
➨ To purify your blood, consume natural herbs as much as possible.
➨ Don’t try to pop or squeeze your cyst. Let it drain naturally.
➨ You should drink plenty of water to help your body rid itself of waste.
➨ Consider having antibiotic herbs to stimulate lymphatic flow.
When to See a Doctor for Sebaceous Cyst
Generally, Sebaceous cysts are harmless and can be treated naturally. But If you notice any new growths on your body, you should contact your healthcare provider. Although cysts are not dangerous, your doctor should check whether it’s just a cyst or skin cancer. Because some skin cancers resemble cystic nodules. As soon as you go to a dermatologist after noticing a cyst, the less likely it is that pain will develop or the cyst will recur. Also, If you are unsure whether it’s a cyst or something else, consult your dermatologist.
Q. Can a cyst become infected?
Ans: Yes. Bacteria can enter the wound if a cyst is exposed to the elements. This has the potential to result in an infection.
Q. How long will it take to heal an infected sebaceous cyst?
Ans: A sebaceous cyst can usually heal on its own. However, if it becomes infected, medical intervention is required to keep the infection at bay. If the cyst appears to be mild, you can treat it at home using any of the remedies listed above.
Q. Can cysts disappear on their own?
Ans: It is determined by the type of cyst. However, most epidermoid cysts or Sebaceous cysts get cured on their own and do not necessitate a visit to the doctor.
Q. Is a Sebaceous or epidermoid cyst cancerous?
Ans: Sebaceous cysts are common and harmless, but they can become malignant in some rare cases. If a sebaceous cyst exhibits any of the following characteristics, it may be cancerous: A sign of infection: such as redness, pain, or pus drainage. Also, rapid growth after removal. If you notice such symptoms you should consult with your dermatologist.
Sebaceous cysts are more bothersome than dangerous, and relieving symptoms with natural remedies and a few lifestyle changes is frequently all that is required. However, don’t forget that a natural cure for sebaceous cysts may not always work; some cysts do not respond to natural cures and must be treated conventionally.
If you have a sebaceous cyst that isn’t causing you any kind of discomfort or pain, at first try moist heat and herbal supplements and home remedies to see if it works or not. However, you should go to a dermatologist if you notice any new lump on your skin or feel terribly discomfort because of the existing lump.
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