Looking for the right platform to gain exposure for your blog?

We have good news for you! Health Dedicate blog is looking for guest authors and contributors with comprehensive knowledge in the field of health and healthcare. So, if you have a relevant blog/website that you want to backlink to, we are here with a golden opportunity for you.

“write for us” + “health”, “guest post” + “health”, “write for us” + “medicine”, “health” + “submit guest post”, “health” + “guest post guidelines”, “health” + “become a contributor”, “submit guest post” + “fitness”, “fitness” + “submit guest post”

Why Write for Us for Health and Fitness Articles?

The internet is flooded with health blogs. What makes us the perfect platform for guest posting is the blog itself. We have meticulously created a platform for knowledge sharing to help our readers understand health tips and problems, diseases, illnesses, wellness, home remedies, and more. We curate informative, accurate, and original content for the best benefit of our readers. So, when you publish your post on our blog, you can expect to reach out to our wide audience base that values useful information. So, it’s a win-win for both you and our readers.

Essential Guidelines to Submit a Guest Post on Health Dedicate?

Any pitch that you send to us for guest posting should follow the guidelines given below for quick approval:

Content Quality:

We believe that our readers have access to well-researched, informative content that is actually useful. That is why, we prefer guest posts that are extensively researched, accurate, and contain in-depth information about the topic in question. We request our guest authors to ensure that the content they submit is authoritative and top-notch.

Content length:

Although we are absolutely against puffery, bluff, and repetitive information, we prefer articles that are at least 1500 words long. This is usually to ensure that our readers get full information about the topic being discussed. Moreover, high-quality articles that are longer than 1500 words go great with recent search engine algorithms. So, make sure that your post matches the criterion before submitting it.


As our blog name suggests, we are strictly a health blog willing to help readers with various health tips, diseases, wellness, home remedies, and more. As such, we request you to send in pitches that are relevant to our blog and the categories within. Anything that deviates from the same will not be published and no reply will be provided.


To make things easy for potential guest authors, here’s a list of all categories on our blog: You can write for us on the below-listed categories:

  • Diseases
  • Health Care
  • Medication
  • Fitness
  • Men’s Health
  • Women’s Health
  • Children’s Health
  • Mental Health
  • Home Remedies

All posts sent to us for publishing should strictly be relevant to the categories given above; else they will be outright rejected.


At Health Dedicate, we not only aim to impart useful information to our readers, but we also strive to do that in the most lucid way possible. So, while we want all posts to be a good source of useful information, we also require them to be easy to read and understand for the layman. So, while drafting your post, make sure that you leave out jargon, fancy words, etc. that may make the article difficult for our readers. Choose words that are the best fit for your target audience.

Grammar and Structure:

Correct grammar is also an important quality check for all guest posts that are submitted to us. Make sure that you double-check for grammatical errors before you submit. You should also make the draft reader-friendly with proper headings, subheadings, bullet points, capitals, italics, underlining, images, infographics, videos, and more. These not only enhance the value of the content but also make it engaging for our readers.


While we encourage the use of different media like videos, images, infographics, etc. in all your articles, you must make sure they are relevant. Unnecessary/irrelevant use of media in your content can lead to rejection. Also, make sure that you own the intellectual rights to all media used or add proper attribution to all media used.

External links:

We do not allow link spamming on our blog. So, when you send us a post, make sure that backlinks are limited to one (your blog). You can add only one external link in the content directing to a relevant post on your blog. Make sure that backlinks or external links do not point to any random blog/post or your post will be rejected.


We entertain purely informative posts. Any promotion of products/commercial websites via guest posts is strictly prohibited. For promotional posts or if you would like to link any commercial website then you can contact us with an email with the subject “Write for Us Paid” or “Submit a Guest Post Paid”

Affiliate links:

We are not here to sell products/services to our readers. As such, we do not entertain any sort of affiliate link promotion in our guest post as it reflects poorly on our reputation. If you want to promote your affiliate link via our blog, email us with the subject “Write for Us Advertising”.


Search engines hate plagiarism and so do we! We do not want any article/content on our blog that’s not original. That is why we strictly advise our guest authors to send in content that is their own and does not infringe any copyright laws. Copied content will be immediately removed from our blog. You can also use this plagiarism checker small SEO tool to verify it is not plagiarised.


We invite guest posts on our blog solely to enhance the distribution of knowledge to our esteemed readers and to let guest authors benefit from our huge reader base. When you post an article on our blog with your backlink, we give you exposure to an audience base that we have painstakingly built over the years. However, this doesn’t involve monetary transactions of any type and guest authors are expected to understand the same.

Publishing time:

We get dozens of pitches every day from prospective guest authors on various topics of interest to our readers. Pitches are thoroughly checked and revised to meet the needs of our readers. This requires a lot of time, even for our dedicated team who work tirelessly. That’s why we need a reasonable time before a pitch is published on our blog. Badgering us about publishing time will make this harder for us to proceed. So, we request all authors to be patient and refrain from sending us multiple emails.


We reserve the right to edit/format all guest posts that we publish on our blog to better suit our readers.

Post refusal/Removal:

Health Dedicate reserves the right to refuse and remove any content that doesn’t abide by our content guidelines or in any way goes against our policies. We are not answerable to anyone for such actions.

How to Submit your Guest Post?

You can send us an MS Word file with the article that you want to publish. If you want, you can also send ideas of the topic/subject you want to write on before sending us the final draft. All emails should be sent to – Healthdedicate@gmail.com in the following format:

  • Subject
  • Topic you want to cover
  • Link to the blog/website you want to backlink to

If your idea/pitch interests us, we will surely get back to you very soon. Till then, keep sending your awesome pitches.